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Neueste Veröffentlichungen
Wonen360 - Future Furniture @ DDW (ReCovered Cabinet) view
BNR Nieuwsradio - Wereldspelers (House of Thol) view
Rodi Media - 'Makkelijker én Groener leven' (House of Thol) view
Gelderlander / DPG Media - 'Tijdloos & Functioneel' (House of Thol) view
Bouncy - 'Patella Crescenda' (Patella Crescenda) view
Groei&Bloei - 'Schikschijf' (Flower Constellations) view
Green Trendbook - (Patella Crescenda) view
Living&More - 'Easy Green Living' (House of Thol) view
Schweizer Garten - 'Lieblinge im März / Schockverliebt!' (Patella Crescenda) view
Plus Magazine - 'Healthy Greens on your window sill' (Patella Crescenda) view
De Grote Nederlandse Kunstkalender - '3 oktober 2024' (Patella Crescenda) view
Natur im Garten (TV) - "Besonders Interessant" - item with Karl Ploberger (Patella Crescenda) view
Linda Magazine - 'Ieniemienie' (Patella Crescenda) view
Discover Benelux - 'Desirable designs' (Helios) view
Volkskrant Magazine - 'Compact greens' (Patella Crescenda) view
Groei & Bloei - 'Freshly picked / Supergreens' (Patella Crescenda) view
Residence - 'Guided by intuition' / Binnenkijker Margriet Vollenberg (Patera Media) view
Seasons - 'Green happiness / favorite' (Patella Crescenda) view
Volkskrant Magazine - 'Sustainable gift guide / Zelfgroei' (Patella Crescenda) view
VT Wonen - 'Duurzame trends / Uitgekiemd' (Patella Crescenda) view
INHABITAT - 'Grow microgreens year round with the Patella Crescenda' (Patella Crescenda) view
De Gelderlander - 'Kiemplantjes uit Overasselt zijn een hit in Amerika' (Patella Crescenda - crowdfunding) view
Lisa Wohnen & Dekorieren - 'Blumensteckspiel (Flower Constellations) view
Elle Decoration (NL) - Kitchen Special - 'She's Fresh!' (Patera Magna) view
WeVux - 'Patella Crescenda, the microgreens growing kit' (Patella Crescenda) view
Green Connector - 'De Natuur leert het ons' (House of Thol) view
De Ondernemer - 'Hoe dit tweetal succes in Amerika weet te creeëren met 'praktische groene spullen' (House of Thol) view
Happinez - 'Verse Waar' (Patera Magna) view
Designboom - 'The many benefits of the Patella Crescenda' (Patella Crescenda) view
Seasons - 'Een nieuwe kans' (ReCabinet) view
DAC Istanbul - 'Sustainable Everyday Home Living with House of Thol' (House of Thol) view
Qualis Magazine - 'Krachtig' / 'Powerful - a statement against food waste' (Patera Magna) view
Volkskrant Magazine - 'Cool bewaren' / 'Cool storage' (Patera Magna) view
AD (Algemeen Dagblad) - 'Duurzaam ontwerp op het aanrecht' / 'Sustainable design on the kitchen counter' (Patera Magna / House of Thol general) view
La Casa in Ordine - 'Beauty & Sustainability' (House of Thol) view
De Volkskrant - Review Milan Design Week (Patera Magna) view
HetKanWel - Circulaire Kast (ReCabinet) view
Little bit of sunshine - Sustainable gift guide (Waterworks + Patera Magna) view
Libelle Living - Back to Basic (Interior shoot House of Thol home) view
Elle Decor IT - Masterly Milan (House of Thol Milan exhibition) view
Huize Chaos - 'Patera Magna - een bijzondere fruitschaal) view
FD Persoonlijk - 'Vruchtbare scheiding' / 'Fruitful separation' (Patera Magna) view
De Gelderlander - 'Exportprijs voor ondernemers Overasselt zonder groene vingers' (House of Thol) view
Gojungle - Unboxing Waterworks (Waterworks) view
LandIdee - 'Doe mee en win' (Flower Constellations) view
Plus - 'Beeldig én Praktisch' (Helios) view
Volkskrant Magazine - 'Holiday gift guide' (Helios) view
Flow Magazine - 'Da's Slim' (Flower Constellations) view
Happinez - 'Blooming Libra' (Flower Constellations) view
Fleur - 'Turn off the water' (Flower Constellations & Waterworks) view
No Ordinary tales - 'The Perfect Gift' (Flower Constellations) view
Libelle tuin & zo - 'Reddingsbol / Rescue ball' (Waterworks original) view
KekMama - 'Fluitje van een cent / one cent whistle' (Waterworks original) view
Volkskrant Magazine - 'Schikschijf / Arranging disk' (Flower Constellations) view
Linda - 'Blind Bloemschikken / Arranging flowers with your eyes closed' (Flower Constellations) view
Libelle - 'Goed Geschikt / Well arranged' (Flower Constellations) view
Plus - 'A decorative tool' (Flower Constellations) view
Eigen Huis & Interieur - 'De Bos is Los / The bouquet is on the loose' (Flower Constellations) view
Volkskrant Magazine - 'No need to ask your neighbor' (Waterworks original) view
Happy Mundane - 'Gift Guide Host + Home' (Flower Constellations) view
Franpress - 'Bloemen in de Sterren / Flowers in the stars' (Flower Constellations) view
Designcrushblog - 'Create / Grand Design' (Flower Constellations) view
Milk & Flowers - 'Lovely minimalistic designs' (Flower Constellations) view
VTWonen / PRCHTG - 'Art in a vase' (Flower Constellations) view
Bloemenbureau Holland - 'Arrange your horoscope' (Flower Constellations) view
Tuin & Balkon - 'Flower Constellations making Ikebana easy' (Flower Constellations) view
Florist UK - 'New floral tool to launch via Kickstarter' (Flower Constellations) view
LosseBloemen - 'Must have for loose flowers' (Flower Constellations) view
Elle.com - 'This product makes your flowers stand perfectly' (Flower Constellations) view
2017 und davor
Urban Jungle Bloggers (book) - 'Convenient to water you plants' (Waterworks original) view
Das Haus - 'Schöner Trinken' (Waterworks original) view
Urban Jungle Bloggers - 'Plant trends from Dutch Design Week 2017' (Waterworks original) view
Stijlvol Styling - 'Green living' (Waterworks original) view
Franska.nl - 'Op vakantie?' (Waterworks original) view
Urban Jungle Bloggers - 'How can plants survive your holiday?' (Waterworks original) view
VT Wonen 'For Happy Plants' (Waterworks original) pdf
Kosmos Magazine / Süddeutsche Zeitung 'Tropfenweise' (Waterworks original) pdf
Brigitte 'Lebensretter' (Waterworks original) pdf
Kölner Stadtanzeiger 'Niederländische Liebhaberstücken' (Waterworks original) pdf
Gardenista - '10 easy pieces - glass watering bulbs' (Waterworks original) view
Core77 - 'Ehrenfeld design parcours' (Waterworks original) view
Life & the city - 'bathtubs from around the world' (Evolution bath) view
Urban Jungle Bloggers - 'Green gift guide for plant lovers' (Waterworks original) view
More than Classic 'Thirst' (Waterworks original) pdf
Drömhem & Trädgard (Waterworks original) pdf
Margriet 'Plantsitter: check' (Waterworks original) pdf
Eigen Huis & Interieur 'Jonge helden - the new generation of Dutch Designers' (House of Thol) pdf
Home & Garden 'Geen omkijken naar / Never a care' (Waterworks original) pdf
Garden Heaven 'Here come the Waterworks' (Waterworks original) pdf
NRC Next 'Valentine's day plants' (Waterworks original) pdf
Wegener 'Vergankelijke vrienden / Fleeting friends' (Waterworks original) pdf
Core77 - 'Irrigation systems for tortured houseplants' (Waterworks original) view
MyDubio - 'How to keep those plants alive' (Waterworks original) view
Better Living Through Design - 'Waterworks bulb' (Waterworks original) view
Trendspace - 'Keep your plants watered on the automatic' (Waterworks original) view
Mooiwatplantendoen - 'Snel en simpel bewateren bereid je nu voor' (Waterworks original) view
Eigen Huis & Interieur 'Waterbol / Watering ball' (Waterworks original) pdf
Elle Decoration (NL) 'Bolwerk / stronghold' (Waterworks original) pdf
Volkskrant Magazine 'Unique, but not too much' (crowdfunding Waterworks) pdf
Tuin en Balkon - 'Automatic irrigation via a lightbulb" (waterworks original) view
Eigen Huis & Interieur 'Spotlight' (Waterworks original) pdf
FD Persoonlijk 'Design: plant drip' (Waterworks original) pdf
Coolhunting 'Studio Thol bathtub' (Evolution bathtub) view
Decoholic 'Unique bathtub design by Studio Thol' (Evolution bathtub) view
Viva 'Van het schatzoekkastje naar de snelbindermuur' (Interior Amsterdam) pdf
Konsept projeler 'Breaking: evolved chair' (Evolution bath) pdf
Badkamers magazine 'Actueel - de bekende ontwerper Thomas Linssen...' (Evolution bath) pdf
Homedit - 'Elegant and relaxing atmchair- inspired bath' (Evolution bath) view
The Design Sheppard - 'Concrete kitchen by Studio Thol' (Concrete kitchen) view
Home magazine 'l'Histoire de la Vie' (Evolution bath) pdf
Map Magazine 'Tub' (Evolution bath) pdf
Pasajes Diseno 'Cita con los estímulos' (Evolution bath) pdf
FD Persoonlijk 'Onderdompelen / submerging' (Evolution bath) pdf
Eigen Huis & Interieur 'Doordenkdesign / Thinkthrough design' (Jana) pdf
Esta 'Treasure cabinet' (One off cabinet) pdf
De Architect -'Public Space preview' (Norbertus public space art icw Frederike Top) pdf
Core77 -'Thomas Linssen on a bathtub as furniture' (Evolution bath) view
Eigen Huis & Interieur 'So You Wanna be a designer' (Thomas) pdf
BN / De Stem (Norbertus public space artwork icw Frederike Top) pdf
Kassa Magazine 'Beauty is inexplicable' (interview Jana) pdf
l'Officiel 'Tuttobene' (Home is where the heart is) pdf
VT Wonen 'Pop up cabinet' (Home is where the heart is) pdf
Damn (Concrete Kitchen) pdf
Eigen Huis & Interieur 'NL Design' (Interview Jana) pdf
Experimenta (Concrete Kitchen) pdf
Core77 'Milan preview 2008/ Tuttobene' (Home is Where the Heart is) view
Hier ansehen
ABN AMRO Gamechangers: duurzaam designersduo House of Thol (2020)
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Unieke Fruitmand uit Overasselt - Video portrait RN7 (2021)
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RENAULT life #82 - Design Studio House of Thol (2018)
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Designers Inc. mit Roel Stavorinus (2022)
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HUB! Mit Justus van den Elsen (2022)