Patella Crescenda in the GNKK

Your daily dose of Dutch art in a 3KG calendar

Have you ever experienced the delight of a calendar that's not just a timekeeper but a daily source of artistic inspiration? Enter the "Grote Nederlandse Kunstkalender" (Grand Dutch Art Calendar), a masterpiece that provides a platform for 365 designers, graphic artists, illustrators, fashion designers, photographers, and architects.

We are super excited to be part of next years' GNKK! 'Our' day is October 3rd, which we have now decided will be national House of Thol day in 2024. Just so you know...
Mark your calendars! - Or better yet: get yourself a Grote Nederlandse Kunstkalender.

  • Weighing in at 3 kg, the Grote Nederlandse Kunstkalender (GNKK) is more than just a timekeeping tool.
    It's like a big inspiration book filled with carefully selected art that showcases the incredible creativity found throughout the Netherlands. It's a unique way to explore and appreciate the diverse talents that make up our country's vibrant artistic scene.


    The "Grote Nederlandse Kunstkalender" is available for purchase from Uitgeverij Trichis the publisher behind this impressive project,for €49,95.

Publication date: November 2023 - Country: Netherlands
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