'A fine example of upcycling'
ReCabinet in Seasons magazine
This month's Seasons magazine is out now, and completely filled with stories about "enjoying the pure life".
Being fans of pure living ourselves, we are over the moon about our very own sustainable ReCabinet featured on page 10.
The piece is in Dutch, of course. - Below you can find the original text ánd the English translation.
Now that's what you call a clever piece of upcycling!
The ReCabinet series breathes new life into discarded metal office cabinets.
The series is designed by House of Thol and produced in collaboration with Koninklijke Ahrend.
The original metal construction is the basis of each cabinet, supplemented with new doors, hinges and a base. - Available in a variety of colors, designs and finishes..
Dat is nog eens wat je noemt een knap staaltje upcycling!
De ReCabinet-serie blaast nieuw leven in afgedankte metalen kantoorkasten.
De serie is ontworpen door House of Thol en geproduceerd in samenwerking met Koninklijke Ahrend.
De originele metalen constructie is de basis van elke kast, aangevuld met nieuwe deuren, scharnieren en een onderstel. - In allerlei kleuren, dessins en afwerkingen verkrijgbaar.