Wereldspelers / 'Worldplayers'
House of Thol on BNR Nieuwsradio show Wereldspelers
We had the amazing opportunity to be featured on BNR Nieuwsradio’s 'Wereldspelers' today. I traveled to Amsterdam for a live interview focused on international entrepreneurship.
It was both exciting and a little nerve-wracking to be live on air, but thanks to host Jelle Maasbach and co-host Mieke Jansen, I felt comfortable and in good hands.

Boxes in Germany and other adventures
In an animated conversation, I got to tell about our designs, our international journey so far, our German adventures, how things sometimes can get lost in translation, and the countries we want to explore in the future.
Missed it? Find a short snippet below :-)
Breasts or brushes - about getting lost in translation
Publication date: October 2024 - Country: Netherlands